Seven summits, in seven weeks, to raise
£7,000 for seven months rent!


THANK YOU SO MUCH! We achieved our goal in 3 weeks, reaching 38,918m and climbing a total of 42,6889m while raising £1,005.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!  We are going to try and complete the challenge twice, so keep on climbing!  We have now to reach 77,836m and fundraise £1,500 along the way.

WEEK 7 AND FINAL UPDATE: 87,158m climbed! Target achieved! Massive thank you to everyone who has taken part with us!


Our challenge is work together, build our fitness, collectively climb the combined height of the 7 highest mountain summits across the world and to eventually scale Mount Everest. And how do we plan to achieve this?? In two ways…

The first challenge - into the hills!

This challenge is to collect meters in height by walking, running or cycling up hills. However, it is not the height of Everest we are aiming to reach, that is too easy, it is the height of the sum of the 7 summit heights 38,918m!!! For example, from Perth to top of Kinnoull Hill is approx 200m. If you walked from Perth up Kinnoull Hill twice in June, that would be 400m towards the target. To reach the 7 summit total, we would need 194 ascents of 200m – easy!

We are running this challenge alongside Perth Phoenix Allstars and Perth Phoenix Fitness (our roomies).

The second, by climbing silks!

Everest is 8,848m high and to put the climb into perspective, Gemma can climb on the silks for 15 minutes, covering 20 climbs which is approximately 100m (and that is with lots of rest). Therefore, we are going to need a lot of people to get involved!

We hope that we will be able to start at some point in June by setting up both of our outdoor rigs and asking people to contribute to the climbing challenge in 15 minute bursts. One rig is approximately 4m high, the other is 7m high (higher than the middle silk in the gym).

But I hear you cry, “I don’t think that I can climb multiple times!!”

Well we thought that too, the initial plan was to climb Everest in just one day! But we think because of lack of access to the gym, and toilets etc if in a park, then we should break it down into smaller chunks. And so, if you can only climb once in the 15 minute period, then your climb will still count!

So, if you feel inspired, and want to get involved in our fundraising challenge, please can you let us know by completing the sign up form below! Then we will send you more information about how to record your distance climbed (silks / walking or running) and how to fundraise with us via our GoFundMe page.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will it be safe to touch the silks?

We will make sure that silks are allocated in advance of your climbing time, and washed in between uses.  People from the same household will be able to use the same silks in the challenge.

Will I be able to do silks climbs as a family group?

If you have regular family members who participate with us, the good news is you can all (parents and children) share a silk to get more climbs in during your 15 minutes!

Can I take part in both challenges?

Yes absolutely! Just record your meters climbed and submit them on the website form once we have officially started.

How can I fundraise?

Once you have joined the challenge, you can direct family and friends to the GoFundMe page we have jointly set up for secure online donations.

Can donations collect gift aid?

Unfortunately our organisations are not registered charities, and so we cannot collect gift aid.

What are you going to use the money for?

So far we have received a limited government grant to support our facility which we are really grateful for. It won’t cover all of our costs, and so in the first instance money raised will go towards helping to keep the roof over our heads.  £7000 equates to 7 months of rent and covering the rent is our priority.  If we are successful with government or local funding, it will go towards our fundraising total, and any monies received over and above through these fundraising efforts will be put towards helping us pay our other ongoing bills, service our equipment, and support our instructors.

Will there be any rewards for taking part?

We will definitely think up some rewards for your efforts along the way, although the biggest reward will be ensuring our training space is around for us, for years to come! We will be keeping everyone updated on social media with our progress and will give shout outs for effort - as long as you send us a photo or video!